I am a joke

A lot has happened since I last wrote here. I had a final, disastrous, heartbreaking meeting with Jillian in March. She elected to go back to her shitty, abusive husband and erase me from her life forever. I hope that she finally leaves him one day, and finds somebody so much better than either her husband or me, but I don’t think she ever will.

I got a shitty part time job in a mail room. It brought stability to my life but I couldn’t get past how embarrassed I was to be doing that for a living at my age. I bought a car with some money that I got after my grandfather died, since I crashed my old one into a tree. I wonder what he would think of me now. I fell in love with Sara, my student therapist, because of course I did, and then her rotation ended. I began working with Nate, who is a really great guy, but it isn’t the same.

A better job fell out of the sky and into my lap. I don’t know how to do my job and I don’t deserve to have it. I don’t make very much money and I probably never will. But I make enough to be financially independent, for the first time ever.

I have started training for a half marathon with a running club. The people there are very friendly, but I am the slowest, least experienced of the group, and I feel very out of place there. I feel like that no matter where I go or what I do or who I’m with. Just different in some fundamental way, completely unable to connect to anyone else. It’s an incredibly isolating experience. It feels like everyone else knows where they belong and who they belong with, and I am all alone.

I have begun using dating apps. It is as depressing as everyone says. I sometimes go weeks without getting any matches, and when I go on dates I can’t connect with anyone. I am just like this weird robot person pretending to be human and trying to figure out what it feels like for everyone else. I am learning how to date in my mid-30s. I should have been doing this as a teenager.

I am moving into an apartment finally. I love my apartment. But it’s old and rough around the edges and shows the world how poor I am. Most of the people I am meeting my age, whether they are involved in the activities I am trying to pursue, like running, or they are women I am dating, are professional, educated, making good money, own their own homes, have started families, are investing in retirement, etc. That’s not me. That may never be me, given how badly I have screwed up my financial/work situation. I won’t be able to afford to leave my current job for years, if ever, due to my terrible work history. And if I get fired or laid off, I will be totally screwed. I will likely have to get a minimum wage part-time job, and I won’t be able to afford my apartment any more.

Every step I take forward reminds me of how far behind I am and how out of sync I am with everyone else. I have 35 but I’m living like I’m 22. I have wasted too much time and missed out on too many opportunities. It didn’t have to be this way. I have no one to blame but myself for my own cowardly choices. I will never understand why I have lived my life the way that I have.

Therapy is ending soon. I have one more session. It didn’t really work. Every day I am tortured by that demon that just seems to live in my head. I have been seriously thinking about suicide again for the past two weeks. Every day that itch grows stronger and I want to scratch it. No one knows. I know no one reads this so no one will ever know.

I fantasize about buying a gun and doing it like a man. I wonder what my brains would look like splattered on my gray apartment walls. But the bullet would likely kill one of my neighbors. I am an utterly worthless piece of shit, but I am not going to take someone with me. I’ve considered sealing my windows and doors and cranking up the gas, but there is too great a risk of fire or explosion. The ceiling fan in my room likely won’t hold my weight, even though I’ve lost almost 50 pounds now.

Pills rarely work. Cutting is much easier said than done. And of course I don’t want my family to find my body. I still think the solution is to go back to nature. Jumping into the Grand Canyon. Freezing to death or jumping into a crevasse on Mt. Hood. Drowning off of the Carolina Coast, a place very close to my heart. If nobody knows that I went to these places, they will never find me. No search parties will have to risk their lives. My loved ones won’t have to see my dead body. If I do it right, they can even pretend that I am still out there somewhere, although I don’t know if that is better or worse.

I’ve started writing my note. I’m just using this to flesh out some ideas. Maybe someone will read this and comment. Perhaps offer a suggestion. I’m curious.

19 thoughts on “I am a joke

  1. I don’t think you sound like a loser or a failure. You sound brave. You beat addiction, you got a job & an apartment. You try activities & you try dating. You’ve got friends & family & you have so much to live for. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Life might seem shitty right now but keep going. Keep trying. You’re worth more than you tell yourself.


      1. Hi, I found you when I was feeling sorry for myself & was googling ways to cheer up. Didn’t really find anything helpful.

        How are you feeling lately?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. How are you doing Lindsay? What’s making you sad? Maybe I can help. I am doing a little better. I ran a half marathon yesterday, virtually. I’ve still been really lonely and dealing with a lot of things I’ve written about here, though.


      3. Hi,

        Winter blues, lockdown blues & way too much time in my head thinking about everything I hate about myself. I know it’ll get better one day.

        I’m so pleased for you with the new job & the half marathon. I really hope you can carry on improving & keep talking to people. It’s nice that people are reaching out & responding to your blog. You’re not alone, things can change. You’re proof of that.


      4. Hey Lindsay, how have you been? I haven’t been on here in awhile, and I wanted to check in on you. Thank you for the kind words. What have you been thinking about lately?


  2. Hey, my man. Just randomly found your blog.

    Just want to make sure you are ok considering the massive global changes. I’m in a similar situation to the one you started in, 34 live at home, etc…

    I hope you are ok. What have you been up to this last half a year?


    1. Thanks SC. Two people have found it in the last week. I thought it was pretty buried, lol. I’m hanging in there. Just working. I ran a virtual half marathon yesterday, so that was good. How are you doing?


  3. Hey man, I found your blog by searching the title ( because it fits me). How are you doing? Still working in the mail room? Also great job on the half marathon, thats quite an accomplishment.


    1. Hi Redcloud, how are you doing? Thank you, I actually finally ran the half marathon last week, it got postponed and then became virtual. I caught a lucky break and got a new job that doesn’t pay much more than the mail room, but that I like doing better. I think I’ll be there awhile, not sure what to do next. How has life been treating you lately?


      1. Well, I dont want to hijack your blog, But in a nutshell not too different from what you have been describing in your postings. I am 33, have been umemployed for a long time, have a rather pointless Degree, and struggle to find entry into the workforce. Social life is lacking and to be perfectly honest I recognized myself in a way in your entries ( this includes the suicidal thoughts). Anyway I am trying to land a job (but it seems quite hopeless), maybe go back into sports, could be a way to cheer me up. Actually you gave me the idea to maybe at least go volunteer somewhere, so that I dont completly waste my time.
        congrats on the better job by the way, even if its not great improvement money wise, you changed and bettered your situation.


      2. Hey redclouds, how have you been? I haven’t been used to checking this blog so I’m catching up with everyone tonight. Did you begin volunteering somewhere? I did enjoy my time volunteering, even though I ended up having an affair with someone I met there, which was not great on my part. What sports do you play?


  4. You know man…if you look back at your other posts you have come a long way. Like everyone says you should be proud of yourself. Comparing yourself to others never helps, I do it as well and have to catch myself. But I think it’s great what you have done for yourself.

    Count your wins man!


  5. I can identify with a lot that has been said in your post. I constantly beat myself up for things I wish I’ve done or accomplished. I noticed it’s a bad habit.


  6. Hi
    Today I saw your post. I came across it when I was feeling sorry for myself.
    It happens with me too, feeling like an outsider, unable to run in the mainstream. Maybe we’re the one who are unable to follow others and be like them. Have you ever tried meditation?
    In India where I’m from, there are many meditation camps.


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